Monday 9 January 2012

The start of a new foodie adventure

Here we go - the year I will turn 40!
After a lot of thinking, me, myself and I have decided that this might as well go down in history as the year I attempted something different. 
I give you:
Yep. A list of 40 foodie places to visit before Big Ben strikes midnight on next December 31st. 

A few early thoughts:

1. Am going to have to think of an abbreviated #Ashtag for Twitter!
2. The list- this is where it all begins :)
3. The list- this is where I need some help and suggestions!

The (minimal) rules:

 I work (so I have a limited amount of free time to dedicate to this extremely worthy cause), live in the south of England and have a hubby who doesn't fly.


 I have narrowed down THE LIST to a what I hope is a good starting point: A mix of mainly restaurants (from humble pubs to high end establishments) and a few delis, markets, afternoon tea heavens, foodie events and cooking courses. 
 Locations? England, France (Lyon area preferably, Paris also possible, or South of France) , Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. where work will take me again at least once this year, and potentially New York. 

So- I have just over half of those places on paper. 

Have a read and tell me: Where would you go? 

If you know a #foodie place that made you smile let me know: It could be because the food was fabulous, the service "extraordinaire", it could also be because your experience was fun, theatrical, sweet, quaint, long as it makes you smile thinking back of it, that's good for me.
A Bientot :)

PS: Follow my adventures on Twitter with #40for40

40foodie places to visit to celebrate turning 40

*****THE LIST ******

1. Chancery Court, High holborn, London (afternoon tea)- got to be numero uno priority! thanks to a lovely blog post from Kavita
2. Wild Garlic, Devon - can't wait!
3. Pot Kiln, Berkshire- been on my list for sooooo long
4. Blanc, Vonas, France- must must must
5. Troisgrois, Roanne, France- including a horse riding hack from Ecurie de Fay. Total bliss expected.
6. Maison Florentine, Lyon, France- if only just for the view!
7. The Pass, near Horsham,West Sussex, at the South Lodge Hotel- heard great stuff about this place, and only up the road. No excuse.
8. The Giggling Squid, Brighton
9. English, Brighton
10. Le Gavroche, London - bien sur
11. Fashionista Afternoon Tea , Berkeley Hotel, London- looks SOOOO cute!
12. Harrods Seafood Bar- always wanted to do that, never dared for some reason. Perfect excuse.
13. Demarquette chocolate shop- 
14. Hobbshouse bread making course- well, if I can get a space. Got the shower cap guys! lol
15. Flippburger, Atlanta- recommended by local tweeters 
16. Les Halles de Lyon- pure nostalgia of my student years et le saucisson de Madame Sibillia
17. Choccywoccydoodah chocolate boudoir, Brighton- can't ever go there too often
18, Masterchef UK show, Olympia- got to be
19. Butchery week end at Uncle Darrell in Devon
20 Wabi, Horsham- O.M.G. 
21. La Croix Rousse Food Market


  1. thanks @eattravwrite for suggesting L'auberge de L'ill in Alsace- have added to the pot :)

  2. Chocolate afternoon tea at Chancery Court Hotel in Holborn, the one you wanted me to remind you about.

    Lots of eateries I love like Pizarro, Club Gascon, Lucky Chip, The Mall Tavern, Delhi Grill, Koffmann's, Racine and many more...

    In France, my favourite region is the Loire, the Touraine being my preferred side, right across to Saumur. Beautiful river settings, lovely chateaus, some pleasant drives (on the local roads, avoid the new motorways) and of course, fantastic food and you can visit and buy directly from vineyards too.

    I did a French language course in Bordeaux which was great too, classes all morning and then free time to explore (and do a little homework) on afternoons and weekends. It's a lovely region surrounding the town, you have famous wine towns and ancient cave art and beautiful scenery and fabulous food.

    For another foodie weekend, try Parma and Bologna. Fantastic! Went to Bologna several years ago, and to Parma on a press trip last year, both great for foodies. In that region you have parma ham, parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar, other PDO products like culatello, not to mention the best filled pasta and ragus anywhere... and lots to see as well.

    How about cookery classes? Reiko Hashimoto was fun for Japanese, I'd recommend bread courses with Tom Herbert any day. I'd love to do a Richard Bertinet one too, but not done that yet.

  3. Thanks for all your fab ideas Kavita :) Definitely going to Chancey Court, no doubt about that one. Need to check all the others- I like the idea of Club Gascon, saw your post about the foie gras dish, sounds amazing!
    Italy could be on the cards actually too as we are planning a summer trip there - Inter Rail kind of trekking adventure with the little monkeys- ought to research and pick at least 1 place, maybe a producer- would quite like that :)

    Still fingers (and toes) crossed to manage to get a space on @HobbsHouse baking course before end of this year!

    Merci beaucoup :) x

  4. Well, there is just so much choc choice in London - must go and try some of it out some day! If you fancy trip to Cornwall you'll find lots of food greats, but not much in the specific chocolate realm. The Honey Pot in Penzance is one of our favourite little cafes. Nothing in the least bit grand, but It does at least 10 types of chocolate cake on any one day. St Ives also has a great chocolate shop, I Should Coco where they make fabulous truffles using local ingredients where possible, but it's a shop not a cafe.

    The best recommendation would be Ghent in Belgium - it's a fantastic city and a lot less touristy than Bruges with just as much to offer AND they have fantastic chocolate shops and cafes everywhere. See my post on it here -

  5. Hey Choclette :) thanks a lot hot those. Penzance and Saint Yves might be a challenge too far but eared marked them in case it turns out to be realistic- if we wander that far down this year, will definitely pay them a visit- if not... I'll make sure to pay them a visit next time we head down to Cornwall- often for Easter holidays :) Ghent sounds like fab idea. One of my best friend lives in Bruxelles so very realistic plan- will follow your notes and report back x
